WASHINGTON—Following three successful classes of Wilson China Fellows, the Wilson Center is pleased to announce that the application period for a fourth class of the Wilson China Fellowship has now begun. The application period will last from April 1st to June 15th, 2023.
The Wilson China Fellowship is a China-focused non-residential fellowship supporting the next generation of American scholarship on China. It is made possible by the generous support of the Carnegie Corporation of New York.
Our previous Wilson China Fellows included scholars and practitioners working on a diverse range of policy-relevant issue areas vital to understanding the rise of China and its implications for the United States and the world. After two successful conferences and publications, the Wilson Center is eager to continue expanding our network of China-focused scholars.
Information on how to apply can be found here. Past recipients and their projects may be viewed on our website.
Research projects supported by this fellowship:
- Focus on China’s impact on technological, political, social, economic, security, or historical issues and its implications on China’s periphery, across Asia, and on China-U.S. relations.
- Develop concepts or explore topics that are understudied, unconventional, unique, emerging, or new within academic and policy discussions.
- Build upon historical and current research on U.S.-China relations and Chinese foreign policy.
- Combine academic rigor with policy relevance.
This fellowship is available to U.S. citizens only, although they may have residency anywhere around the world. Individuals with outstanding capabilities and experience from a wide variety of backgrounds (including academia, business, government, journalism, law, and other professions) are encouraged to apply. Candidates must have received a PhD from an accredited university on or after January 1, 2009.
For more information or if you have questions, please email chinafellowship@wilsoncenter.org.
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